#!/usr/bin/env node
import {HeapSnapshot,SplitSnapshotProvider} from "../";
// We are going to use stdin to read our snapshot
// pipe a snapshot in via: `node script-vars.js <"my.heapsnapshot"`
const stream = process.stdin;
// This is used to parse the snapshot data.
// A provider is generally not used for analyzing the snapshot.
// It is an abstraction to allow saving/loading the snapshot to different
// location.
SplitSnapshotProvider.fromStream(stream, (err, provider) => {
if (err) {
// This gives us an API that can be used to analyze the snapshot.
// Since snapshot data contains the structure of Nodes and Edges
// the Node and Edge classes we obtain from this may be different
// from different snapshots.
const snapshot = new HeapSnapshot(provider);
// we will keep a list of all the globals we have seen and visit them at the end
// this is because global Nodes have a type of "object" and can be confused easily
// unless we grab them from context Nodes
const globals = new Set();
// setup the walk
const iter = snapshot.walk({
// perform the walk, we don't need to process it in chunks for the example
for (const _ of iter) {}
function onNodeOpen(node) {
if (node.fields.type === 'closure') {
// Store information that we want to print out
// This is because the information is split up
// and we want to have all of it at once
const vars = [];
let script = null;
let global = null;
for (const edge of node.walkEdges()) {
// closures that have variables create context Nodes
// these will list all the variables that a closure
// uses. unused variables are not listed.
if (edge.fields.name_or_index === 'context') {
for (const context_edge of edge.getNode().walkEdges()) {
// context Nodes have Edges with a type of "context"
// to represent where variables are
if (context_edge.fields.type === 'context') {
// grab the name of the variable and
// the id of the Node that is in the variable
const name = context_edge.fields.name_or_index;
const val_id = context_edge.getNode();
vars.push(`${name} = @${val_id}`);
// context Nodes always keep track of the global they
// are attached to, just like frames in a browser
// there can be multiple globals
else if (context_edge.fields.type === 'internal'
&& context_edge.fields.name_or_index === 'global') {
// it is easier to lookup Nodes by index than id
global = context_edge.getNode();
// closures have what is called shared script information
// this information is shared between *all* instances of a
// function and includes things like what script the closure
// was from
if (edge.fields.name_or_index === 'shared') {
for (const shared_edge of edge.getNode().walkEdges()) {
if (shared_edge.fields.name_or_index === 'script') {
script = shared_edge.getNode();
// print our closure data!
for (const line of vars) {
if (script != null) {
console.log(`${line} in function ${} in script ${script} in global @${global}`)
else {
console.log(`${line} in global @${global}`)
// next we walk all of the global objects we saw
for (const global_index of globals) {
let node = snapshot.getNode(global_index);
for (const edge of node.walkEdges()) {
if (edge.fields.type === 'property') {
const property_node = edge.getNode();
console.log(`${edge.fields.name_or_index} = @${} on global @${}`)